Lake of the Ozarks Team Trail (On time)
Mo-Yak Fishing Series 2021 Stop #3 – Lake of the Ozarks presented by Everharts Outdoors
– Lake of the Ozarks Boundary Map
Mo-Yak AOY Points will be awarded for all Mo-Yak members competing in this contest.
Mo-Yak event Entry Fee $48
Optional Big Bass pot $10
Non-member Entry Fee $60
Mo-Yak event Entry Fee $23
Optional Big Bass pot $10
Virtual Captains meeting Friday, May 7 via FB
Anglers may launch from any public access on LOZ.
First launch 5:30am
Lines in at 6:00am
End of competition 2:00pm
Check in/Photo submission deadline 3:30pm
Check in/ Awards will be held at the pavilion at the Pa He Tsi boat ramp.