Season: 2021-Team

Lake of the Ozarks Team Trail

Lake of the Ozarks Team Trail (On time)

Mo-Yak Fishing Series 2021 Stop #3 – Lake of the Ozarks presented by Everharts Outdoors





Lake of the Ozarks Boundary Map


Mo-Yak AOY Points will be awarded for all Mo-Yak members competing in this contest.

Mo-Yak event Entry Fee $48
Optional Big Bass pot $10
Non-member Entry Fee $60

Mo-Yak event Entry Fee $23
Optional Big Bass pot $10

Virtual Captains meeting Friday, May 7 via FB

Anglers may launch from any public access on LOZ.
First launch 5:30am

Lines in at 6:00am

End of competition 2:00pm

Check in/Photo submission deadline 3:30pm

Check in/ Awards will be held at the pavilion at the Pa He Tsi boat ramp.

Table Rock Lake Team Trail

Roadrunner style launch from any public access or ramp on Table Rock lake, including across the border into Arkansas.

lake boundary map is located on the website at

Virtual Captains meeting on April 23 via FB

First launch time is 6:00am

Competition begins/Lines in at 6:30am

Competition ends/Lines out at 2:30pm

Photo Submission deadline/check in time is 4:00pm

Check in location and awards will be held at Indian Point Marina