Missouri State Team Championship

Two man Team Kayak Open Championship The two man team tournament is open for any teams to join, no memberships required. Ketch measuring devices only. Teams may launch from any public access on the Rock. Best 5 fish, per team member, per day will be counted towards the final score. Winners will be announced at the State Championship awards ceremony on Sunday at 5pm, Indian Point Marina Branson West. Anglers must sign up for each day separately because TourneyX does not have the option to do a two day team event.

2021 – Missouri State Championship

2-day event, November 6-7, 2021

Must have competed in at least 3 live kayak tournaments with any kayak club on Missouri waters during 2021 to qualify.

Roadrunner launch from any public access on Table Rock.

Tournament HQ and awards will be at Indian Point marina in Branson.

Table Rock Lake

Table Rock Lake (On time)

Mo-Yak Fishing Series 2020 Stop #2 – Table Rock Lake presented by Everharts Outdoors



Mo-Yak would like to thank the Tri-Lakes Chamber of Commerce for providing us with the perfect venue for our first stop tournament headquarters!

See visittablerocklake.com for all your
Branson/Tri-Lakes visitor information.


Table Rock Boundary Map


Virtual Captains meeting on April 23 via FB

First launch time is 6:00am

Competition begins/Lines in at 6:30am

Competition ends/Lines out at 2:30pm

Photo Submission deadline/check in time is 4:00pm

Check in location and awards will be held at Indian Point Marina
Mo-Yak AOY Points will be awarded for all Mo-Yak members competing in this contest.

Mo-Yak event Entry Fee $48
Optional Big Bass pot $10
Non-member Entry Fee $60

Mo-Yak event Entry Fee $23
Optional Big Bass pot $10

Table Rock Lake Team Trail

Roadrunner style launch from any public access or ramp on Table Rock lake, including across the border into Arkansas.

lake boundary map is located on the website at https://moyakfishingseries.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/tablerock.pdf

Virtual Captains meeting on April 23 via FB

First launch time is 6:00am

Competition begins/Lines in at 6:30am

Competition ends/Lines out at 2:30pm

Photo Submission deadline/check in time is 4:00pm

Check in location and awards will be held at Indian Point Marina


The 2nd annual Missouri State Championship will be held on Table Rock Lake, October 17-18, 2020.



Mo-Yak would like to thank the Tri-Lakes Chamber of Commerce for providing us with the perfect venue for the Missouri State Kayak Championship tournament headquarters!

See visittablerocklake.com for all your
Branson/Tri-Lakes visitor information.


Table Rock Boundary Map

This season-ending championship will take place on beautiful Table Rock Lake. This roadrunner style tournament is open to any angler that has competed in at least 3 live tournaments in Missouri in 2020. Any club, any series, as long as your three live tournaments included Missouri rivers and/or lakes, any club, any series.

Out of state residents are also welcome to compete as long as they meet the criteria described above.

The two-day tournament HQ will be at Indian Point Marina.

Mo-Yak will also be the host of the Missouri B.A.S.S. Nation Kayak State Championship which will run concurrently with Mo-Yak State Championship.

Captains meeting, and meet and greet, Friday at 7 pm at Indian Point campground. Online captains’ meeting will also be posted on social media.

Day 1- First launch at 6:30 am.

Lines in at 7:00 am

Lines out at 3:00 pm

Photo submission deadline 4:30 pm NO IN-PERSON MEETING DAY ONE

Day two Identifier released.

Day-2. First launch at 6:30 am

Lines in at 7:00 am

Lines out 3:00 pm

Photo submission and Check-in at Indian Point Marina by 4:30 pm.

Awards ceremony 5:00 pm

Best 5 fish caught on Saturday will be added to the best 5 fish caught on Sunday for a two day total of their 10 longest fish.

This tournament does not count toward MoYak AOY scoring.

Entry Fee $100.
Optional Big Bass pot $20.
​100% Payback after fees


The inaugural Missouri State Championship will be held on Table Rock Lake, October 17-18, 2020.



Mo-Yak would like to thank the Tri-Lakes Chamber of Commerce for providing us with the perfect venue for the Missouri State Kayak Championship tournament headquarters!

See visittablerocklake.com for all your
Branson/Tri-Lakes visitor information.


Table Rock Boundary Map

This season-ending championship will take place on beautiful Table Rock Lake. This roadrunner style tournament is open to any angler that has competed in at least 3 live tournaments in Missouri in 2020. Any club, any series, as long as your three live tournaments included Missouri rivers and/or lakes, any club, any series.

Out of state residents are also welcome to compete as long as they meet the criteria described above.

The two-day tournament HQ will be at Indian Point Marina.

Mo-Yak will also be the host of the KBF Central Trail Series Championship which will run concurrently with Missouri Championship.

Captains meeting, and meet and greet, Friday at 7 pm at Indian Point campground. Online captains’ meeting will also be posted on social media.

Day 1- First launch at 6 am.

Lines in at 6:30 am

Lines out at 2:30 pm

Photo submission, and check-in deadline 4 pm at Indian Point Marina

Day two Identifier released.

Day-2. First launch at 6am.

Lines in at 6:30 am.

Lines out 2:30 pm

Photo submission and Check-in at Indian Point Marina by 4 pm.

Awards ceremony to follow

*Time’s subject to change

Best 5 fish caught on Saturday will be added to the best 5 fish caught on Sunday for a two day total of their 10 longest fish.

This tournament does not count toward MoYak AOY scoring.

Entry Fee $100.
Optional Big Bass pot $20.
​100% Payback after fees

Table Rock

Mo-Yak Fishing Series 2020 Stop #2 – Table Rock Lake presented by Everharts Outdoors



Mo-Yak would like to thank the Tri-Lakes Chamber of Commerce for providing us with the perfect venue for our first stop tournament headquarters!

See visittablerocklake.com for all your
Branson/Tri-Lakes visitor information.


Table Rock Boundary Map


The event will mark the 2nd event of the 2020 Mo-Yak Fishing Series and the start of the KBF North Central Region tournament series.

Roadrunner event.

First launch time 5:00

Start time, lines in at 5:30 am. Lines out at 1:30 pm.

Photo submission deadline is 2 pm

There will be no in-person check-in or gathering.

Mo-Yak AOY Points will be awarded for all Mo-Yak members competing in this contest.

Mo-Yak event Entry Fee $45.
Optional Big Bass pot $10.

Mo-Yak event Entry Fee $20.
Optional Big Bass pot $10.

Table Rock Team Trail 2020


The inaugural Missouri State Championship will be held on Table Rock Lake, September 21-22, 2019.



Mo-Yak would like to thank the Tri-Lakes Chamber of Commerce for providing us with the perfect venue for the Missouri State Kayak Championship tournament headquarters!

See visittablerocklake.com for all your
Branson/Tri-Lakes visitor information.


Table Rock Boundary Map

This season ending championship will take place on beautiful Table Rock lake. This road runner style tournament is open to any angler that has competed in at least 3 live tournaments in Missouri in 2019. Any club, any series, as long as your three live tournaments included Missouri rivers and/or lakes, any club, any series.

Out of state residents are also welcome to compete as long as they meet the criteria described above.

The two day tournament HQ will be at Indian Point Marina.

MoYak will also be the host of the KBF Central Trail Series Championship which will run concurrently with Missouri Championship.

Captains meeting, and meet and greet, Friday at 7pm @Indian Point campground. Online captains meeting will also be posted on social media.

Day 1- First launch at 6am.

Lines in at 6:30am

Lines out at 2:30pm

Photo submission, and check in deadline 4pm at Indian Point Marina

Day two Identifier released.

Day-2. First launch 6am.

Lines in at 6:30am.

Lines out 2:30pm

Photo submission and Check in at Indian Point Marina by 4pm.

Awards ceremony to follow

*Time’s subject to change

Best 5 fish caught on Saturday will be added to the best 5 fish caught on Sunday for a two day total of their 10 longest fish.

This tournament does not count toward MoYak AOY scoring.

Entry Fee $75.
Optional Big Bass pot $25.
​100% Payback after fees
​Tournament HQ will be Indian Point Marina.

Table Rock Lake

MoYak Stop #3 – Table Rock Lake