This is a 2-man Team kayak bass tournament on Pomme De Terre Lake.
Ketch measuring boards only. No minimum length.
This is a Catch Photo Release Tournament.
Best 6 fish per team.
*Best 3 fish per person for a team total of 6.
*Anglers may choose their own partners or may enter their name into a random drawing for partners which will occur before the season begins.
*Teams are locked in for the year but each team is allowed 1 substitute per season.
*Teams AOY race will be decided on the best 5 of 7 scores.
*5% of all entry fees will be withheld to award to the Team AOY winners at the end of the season as a bonus pot.
Anglers must meet Coast Guard safety lighting requirements if launching before sunrise.
PFDs must be worn during competition.
Pre-fishing ends at 6:00pm Friday.
Virtual Captains meeting will be posted on FB by 6:00pm.
Identifier code will be released at 6:00pm Friday night. Identifier code must be visible in the photo and may be written on anything.
First launch is 6:00am.
Competition begins at 6:30am.
Anglers may not cast or attempt to fish between 6:00 – 6:30am.
Competition ends at 3:00pm.
Photo submission deadline will be 4:30pm.
Awards will follow. Door prizes and free raffle give aways at every event.
Pomme de Terre awards location has been changed due to the weather. We will now meet at the Comfort Inn Conference Center in Bolivar.
I have reserved the room for the whole day and there is WiFi and good service there if you have trouble uploading photos.
RELEASE OF LIABILITY: Participant agrees to hold MoYak LLC and its successors, assignees, licensees, partners, dealers, employees and volunteer staff harmless for any liability from any injury or damage arising from the participation of this event.