
2022 Lake of the Ozarks (On time)

Mo-Yak Fishing Series 2021 Stop #2 – Lake of the Ozarks presented by Everharts Outdoors




Lake of the Ozarks Boundary Map

Mo-Yak AOY Points will be awarded for all Mo-Yak members competing in this contest.

Mo-Yak event Entry Fee $58
Optional Big Bass pot $10
Non-member Entry Fee additional $15

Mo-Yak event Entry Fee $33
Optional Big Bass pot $10

Optional Pots
Jackpot $100
Trash Pot $4

Virtual Captain’s meeting Friday May 20 at 7pm.

First launch at 5:30 am.

Lines in and beginning of competition at 6:00 am.

Competition ends 2:00pm.

Photo submission deadline will be 4:00pm.

Awards location will be at the Grand Glaize Beach shelter (PB2) 4:00 pm.

RELEASE OF LIABILITY: Participant agrees to hold MoYak LLC and its successors, assignees, licensees, partners, dealers, employees and volunteer staff harmless for any liability from any injury or damage arising from the participation of this event.


Date Time League Season
May 21, 2022 6:00 am MoYak Fishing Series 2022


Osage Beach, Missouri
1000 City Pkwy, Osage Beach, MO 65065, USA

Results — 2022 Lake of the Ozarks

TeamInchesBig BassPlacePoints
Michael Cornelius93.51402.50
Scott Kroger912395.00
Josh Keatts90.53392.50
Johnathan Dominguez894383.00
Garrett Reid88.755377.75
Joe Mersky88.56373.50
Joe Hayes877368.00
Jeremy Truitt878364.00
Frankie Dailey86.59359.50
Tommy Probst84.7510353.75
Lance Irwin84.2511350.25
Broc Van Tassell8412347.00
Mike Dent8413344.00
Christopher Moyher83.7514340.75
Kyle Savner83.7515337.75
Alexander Jackson83.516335.50
Jacob High83.517333.50
Mason Brock83.2518331.25
Troy Enke8319329.00
Danny Johnson82.7520326.75
Frankie Miller82.7521324.75
Richie McMichael82.7522322.75
James Wilson8223320.00
James Iken8224318.00
Isaac Comer8225316.00
Dorman Hughey81.526313.50
Aaron Noble8028308.00
Lance Burris79.529305.50
Dave Neal79.2530303.25
James Curtis79.2531301.25
Jacob Johnson78.532298.50
Trevor Motzkus7833296.00
Phil Schaefer7834294.00
Lawrence Dent7835292.00
Chad Davison77.7536289.75
Mark Springer77.537287.50
Preston Maples77.2538285.25
Cole Armer76.539282.50
Michael Sandlin75.7540279.75
Matt Yates74.541276.50
Adam Witte7442274.00
Sam Young73.543271.50
Eric Easter73.544269.50
Steve Van Tassell73.2545267.25
Kristofer Moody73.2546265.25
Mike Tichenor7347263.00
Christopher Robbs72.549258.50
Brian Hillman72.550256.50
Nathan Head7251254.00
Jake Pruett70.2552250.25
Brandon Heimericks70.2553248.25
Steve Sisson70.2554246.25
Kerry Evans69.2555243.25
Joe Walters68.7556240.75
Josh Keithley68.557238.50
Ryan Reed68.558236.50
David Pilgrim67.7559233.75
Teresa Kuranda64.560228.50
Anthony Brown64.561226.50
Anthony Byers64.2562224.25
Daniel Schaedel6063218.00
Darian Beedle53.2564209.25
Christopher Cramsey38.7565192.75
Sarah Johnson38.2566190.25
Hunter Harvey2767177.00
Zo Gingerich2768175.00
Robert Bruewer1669162.00
Stephen Sisk13.570157.50
Zachary Armstrong072140.00
Jake Bollinger073138.00
Levi Cline074136.00
Chad Hartman075134.00
Shannon Jernigan076132.00
Heather Leotaud077130.00
Andrew Leotaud078128.00
Jason Payne080124.00
Travis Randall081122.00
Chad Rogers082120.00
Billy Schlobohm083118.00
Jason Shifflett084116.00
Michael Smith085114.00
Tyy Ward087110.00

Box Score

Player Position Inches Big Bass
Aaron NobleAngler00
Adam WitteAngler00
Alexander JacksonAngler00
Andrew LeotaudAngler00
Anthony BrownAngler00
Anthony ByersAngler00
Billy SchlobohmAngler00
Brandon HeimericksAngler00
Brian HillmanAngler00
Broc Van TassellAngler00
Chad DavisonAngler00
Chad HartmanAngler00
Chad RogersAngler00
Christopher CramseyAngler00
Christopher MoyherAngler00
Christopher RobbsAngler00
Cole ArmerAngler00
Daniel SchaedelAngler00
Danny JohnsonAngler00
Darian BeedleAngler00
Dave NealAngler00
David PilgrimAngler00
Dorman HugheyAngler00
Eric EasterAngler00
Frankie DaileyAngler00
Frankie MillerAngler00
Garrett ReidAngler00
Heather LeotaudAngler00
Hunter HarveyAngler00
Isaac ComerAngler00
Jacob HighAngler00
Jacob JohnsonAngler00
Jake PruettAngler00
Jake BollingerAngler00
James CurtisAngler00
James IkenAngler00
James WilsonAngler00
Jason PayneAngler00
Jason ShifflettAngler00
Jeremy TruittAngler00
Joe HayesAngler00
Joe MerskyAngler00
Joe WaltersAngler00
Johnathan DominguezAngler00
Josh KeattsAngler00
Josh KeithleyAngler00
Kerry EvansAngler00
Kristofer MoodyAngler00
Kyle SavnerAngler00
Lance BurrisAngler00
Lance IrwinAngler00
Lawrence DentAngler00
Levi ClineAngler00
Mark SpringerAngler00
Mason BrockAngler00
Matt YatesAngler00
Michael CorneliusAngler00
Michael SandlinAngler00
Michael SmithAngler00
Mike DentAngler00
Mike TichenorAngler00
Nathan HeadAngler00
Phil SchaeferAngler00
Preston MaplesAngler00
Richie McMichaelAngler00
Robert BruewerAngler00
Ryan ReedAngler00
Sam YoungAngler00
Sarah JohnsonAngler00
Scott KrogerAngler00
Shannon JerniganAngler00
Stephen SiskAngler00
Steve SissonAngler00
Steve Van TassellAngler00
Teresa KurandaAngler00
Tommy ProbstAngler00
Travis RandallAngler00
Trevor MotzkusAngler00
Troy EnkeAngler00
Tyy WardAngler00
Zachary ArmstrongAngler00
Zo GingerichAngler00
Total 00
Big Bass